DUBS Acoustic Filters are advanced tech earplugs that reduce volume without sacrificing the clarity of sound. Whether you're in the city, at a concert, on a plane or at the game, the DUBS protect your ears to keep you going louder, longer.
Safe in Sound
Today, we encounter more harmful noise than ever before. While we’ve become accustomed to the roar of airplanes, construction sites, concerts, and clubs, our ears have not, leading to a rise in Noise Induced Hearing Loss. The DUBS feature a 12 decibel Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) to help protect your ears.

Designed Different
Traditional ear plugs block all noise, muffling the sounds of the world around you. The DUBS are different. Developed by leading acoustic engineers and designers, the DUBS have been pre-tuned to target specific frequencies, so you hear the world the way it was meant to be heard.